To celebrate 1,000 hits, "Tears" is being leaked! "Like" the Facebook page and get The Art of Literature 100 "Likes" and I'll dedicate a song or poem to you! You can pick which one you want, but first you have to get 100 "Likes" for The Art of Literature! Facebook Page: The Art of Literature
People say tears
Are a weakness
Though I say
Tears show strength
Shed all tears
Just let yourself go
Cry away this pain
And make room for Love
To Love you must be Happy
How can you be Happy
When the
Pain controls you
So shed many tears
Let yourself be Happy
The tears hold you back
Shed away Depression
Clear your eyes and cry
Shedding tears
Gives Life a chance
Shed the pain away
Let Hundreds of tears
Flow free
Shed away the bad
Take in the Love
Cry your eyes out
And let Happiness
Take control
Shed the tears
I know the Pain
Shed it away
Do as I’ve done
Find the Happiness